In the run-up to COP26 global attention focuses on governmental responses to the climate crisis and unsustainable living. However, innovation often comes from projects that are local and attuned to particular needs, conditions, and traditions. This seminar examines one such ‘living lab’ linked to UCLan’s ICSC and conceived as a site of practical, co-creative experimentation and learning. Shikha Eco-Learning (Shicol) is based at an eco-village in rural eastern India. Its work focuses on regenerative agricultural practices and alternative education. Local developers collaborate with international supporters to experiment with multidimensional innovations. This seminar presents a panel discussion about processes leading from concept stage to on-the-ground implementation, including pitfalls, re-orientations, and workarounds.
Speaker Profiles
Sibaji Panda, Shicol developer, India Ulrike Zeshan, Shicol developer, UCLan and India Lynn Froggett, UCLan: Shicol International Board Uta Papen, Lancaster University: Shicol International Board
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